Mar 22, 2024

Simplifying interior design: the shared product library

Turning the tide on interior designers’ product hunt, this superpower acts as a one-stop shop, cutting down on the chase. It's about making more room for creativity by keeping product chaos neatly tucked away.

Imagine yourself a gardener. With each new season, you find yourself heading out to shop for seeds, even though your shed is brimming with favourites – flowers, herbs, and all sorts of greenery from last year. Sounds a bit déjà vu, doesn't it?

It's a lot like the cycle many interior designers go through with every project. You're off on a hunt for product info on manufacturers’ websites, the same path you’ve been on countless times already.

Although it might feel like this routine is just part of the job, then it’s still unnecessarily eating into your time. It's more than the annoyance of clicking through website after website or the well-known copy-paste. It's about all the amazing time and creativity that could be put into fresh designs and innovative ideas, rather than retracing your steps through tasks you've done before.

Product library in thesheet

Is it really what you should be focusing on?

This cycle of constant searching and compiling, as familiar as it might be, comes with its fair share of headaches. Think about the sheer amount of time sunk into manually gathering product details. Each piece of information manually entered is a chance for mistakes to creep in, and these errors can spiral into bigger issues down the line.

Then there's the mental fatigue. Juggling multiple tabs and documents for each project doesn't just wear you down. It scatters your focus, making it harder to channel your creativity where it truly belongs. It's this draining routine that pulls you away from the heart of interior design – transforming spaces with your vision and artistry.

Goodbye old ways, wasn’t nice knowing you

Picture this: you don’t have to go through that tiresome cycle ever again. Sounds quite nice, right? We think the same.

That’s why we have made a shared product library for thesheet – a game-changer for interior designers weary of the copy-paste game. Now you can be the gardener who discovers the treasure trove of seeds they’ve already got in their shed, ready to plant.

Thesheet opens up a world where your favourite products and materials are right there at your fingertips, from the very start of every project. No more endless searching or starting from zero. It’s all about making things easier, letting you dive straight into the creative part you love most.

With thesheet, it’s like having your own digital toolbox stocked with everything you need, simplifying your workflow and keeping the creative juices flowing without a hitch.

Explore and add from the Product library in the Project view with just a single click

Once is enough for us

Just picture the ease of adding your product details into the library only that single time. That's it, no repeats. Every measurement, every fabric, every paint swatch, and every stylish piece of furniture you adore is immediately at your fingertips for any project, any time. With pictures. Just waiting to be added to your spec sheets.

When starting out you can even delegate the process of inserting all the information of all your favourite brands to an assistant or an intern. So everything is already there from the get-go.

This unlocks a whole new level of freedom for you. Now, you can spend more time doing what you love most – weaving your design magic, exploring new concepts, and immersing yourself in the creative process.

Thesheet sweeps away the mundane tasks, ensuring your go-to products are just a click away, streamlining your workflow like never before. With everything you need so easily accessible, you'll find more time and space for creativity than you ever thought possible.

Everyone’s on board - shared product library

With our shared product library, each and every team member benefits, as the database constantly grows and changes. Once someone adds a new chair or a light fixture, it's instantly ready for everyone to add to their project as well.

What this really means is projects come together more cohesively, teamwork flows more freely, and your creative options explode in the best way possible. By sharing the load in sourcing products, thesheet nurtures a collective effort, enriching every project with a wider range of ideas and making the design process a whole lot smoother for everyone. It’s teamwork made simple and effective.

Everyone on the team shares the same Product library

Clip from any website

We’ve also thought of that one time you have to enter the information. Or the times you don’t find the product you like already in your library. How to make that as easy as possible? Just use our web clipper tool that revolutionises how you collect product information. Gone are the days of the cumbersome copy-paste dance.

This nifty browser extension simplifies the entire process, allowing you to save product specs directly from web pages into the library with just a few clicks.

Here's how it works: the web clipper pops up over the webpage you're browsing, ready with fields for all the essential details – name, brand, size, colour, materials, and more. All you have to do is select the text you need on the webpage, and with a click, it's automatically saved into the web clipper and thus into your product library.

This tool doesn't just save time, it seamlessly integrates with your workflow, making it easier than ever to capture and organise the exact details of every product you love. With the web clipper, adding new finds to your projects becomes effortless, ensuring your product library is always rich, up-to-date, and at your fingertips.

Clip products from any site and add them straight to projects or simply your product library

Time for a change

Wave goodbye to outdated methods and say hello to a streamlined, creative process with thesheet. Get yourself tools that make you enjoy every aspect of your job. Don't let outdated processes hold you back any longer and discover how easy and enjoyable your projects can be. Ready to make the switch? Try out thesheet and transform the way you design.

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